Thursday, January 11, 2007

New Database: NoodleBib via NoodleTools

Are you sick and tired of searching through the MLA Handbook or the APA Publication Manual, in order to discover the mysterious proper citation method for your most excellent research paper? Do you spend hours attempting to complete this tedious task? The Library now offers a solution to this chore. When creating an MLA works cited list or an APA reference list, NoodleBib guides the student through the steps needed to produce proper bibliographies.

After selecting a citation type, MLA Advanced or APA Advanced (never use MLA Starter), the software provides field-by-field assistance for every citation element. This, of course, includes all manner of online and Web sources. The student keeps his or her various bibliographies in a “Personal Folder,” which can be shared with others, if the student wishes. Contents of bibliographies are automatically generated in alphabetical order.

In addition, NoodleTools offers NoodleBib notecards or “e-index cards,” which allow the student to pull out, organize, and integrate research information. Notes may be linked to sources and/or created separately as independent ideas and then organized within the “Personal Folder.”

When logging into NoodleBib for the first time, identify yourself as a student, and create a personal ID and password.

[FIND NoodleBib via NoodleTools on our “Databases by Subject” List in the “General Resources” category]

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