Thursday, January 11, 2007

New Database: CQ Press Political Reference Suite

Have you ever used CQ (Congressional Quarterly)'s excellent online annual set of major U.S. primary documents, Historic Documents? If so, you might be wondering what our Social Sciences Database List no longer includes a link to CQ Historic Documents. Do not fear, my friends, we haven't canceled our Historic Documents subscription. We've simply expanded our subscription to include several other worthwhile CQ products under the new name CQ Press Political Reference Suite.

CQ Press Political Reference Suite includes our old friend, Historic Documents Series, which is described as "key documents and analysis--updated yearly since 1972." It also includes Congress and the Nation, described as "the definitive source for actions of the U.S. Congress from 1945-2004," Political Handbook of the World, described as "the most authoritative resource for political information on more than 200 countries," Politics in America, described as "lively, unbiased profiles and assessments of every member of Congress," Supreme Court Yearbook, described as "essential coverage of the U.S. Supreme Court - updated yearly since 1989," as well as the basic directory, Washington Information Directory, described as "the essential guide to key contacts at government agencies and national organizations."

Many of the titles included in the CQ Press Political Reference Suite are ones that we have previously purchased as physical reference volumes--and massive, heavy ones, at that. But now these books and resources will be available 24/7 to any current member of the Suffolk student and faculty community. The other advantage, of course, is that you can search across all the content of the suite at once, if you are interested in a particular topic. For example, if I search Roe v. Wade in the opening screen search box, I get almost 150 items from various reference works that mention that landmark case, and touch on the issue of abortion and reproductive rights.

We hope the flexibility and ease-of-use of CQ Press Political Reference Suite will make it a popular tool for Government researchers, as well as those looking for documents and discussion of a wide variety of "hot button" public policy issues.

And don't forget that we also have two other useful CQ databases that represent current issues and deep backfile for two essential CQ periodicals. Those databases are CQ Weekly Online and CQ Researcher, the latter of which is also an essential resource for those hotly-debated public policy issues!

[FIND CQ Press Political Reference Suite and its two CQ relatives on our "Databases by Subject" List in the "Social Sciences" category.]

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