Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Notable E-Book:Encyclopedia of Body Adornment

We recently added an infusion of new reference books into our Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) database. These include many sets and series published by third parties. Titles include quite a few new editions of the useful "Who's Buying"marketing demographics books. (Titles cover everything from Apparel to Restaurants and Carry-Out.) We also added the currently available volumes of the Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability (more will be published later), as well as other reference encyclopedias from a variety of publishers from ABC-Clio to CQ Press to Princeton University Press.

One of the more unusual titles is the Encyclopedia of Body Adornment from Greenwood Press, described by the publisher here. (And, yes, we have had reference questions in the last few years about the topics covered by this encyclopedia!)

Those topics include all those you would expect, and more besides. Tattoos, piercings, corsets (pictured above) and foot binding are just a few examples. Entries run from short to sizable, and often include a short bibliography listing "Further Reading."

GVRL has a nice clean interface. You can click a link in the online catalog (OPAC) to consult a particular volume and then browse the table of contents, or search within the publication from the left-hand golden search box. I did a search on Maori and pulled up several entries, including Moko, which is a "curvilinear facial tattoo worn by Maori men and women as a sign of status as well as affiliation." Initial results display in HTML, with links. But you can also view the entry in a PDF that looks just like the original book.

If you wish to explore the entire range of reference books in GVRL, you can also search everything as a database, or explore subject categories of titles that display below the search box.

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